ForumのOld Supportに該当する投稿がありました。(去年の5月だからかなり前です。)
Mojavi Forum > ErrorLogger and Smarty
However, Mojavi’s controller automatically sets an instance of its own ErrorLogger class (opt/filters/ErrorLogger.class.php) as the error handler (thus overriding Smarty’s settings), which defaults to flagging E_NOTICE as a fatal error. So every time I set a {$tag} in my Smarty template that does not have a corresponding value set in my View, I get a FATAL error.
I would really like to see that change in the source Mojavi too, feti. Error handling is really weird right now.
Will you resist the plea of your people? Come on, be a good and just ruler here ;)
ところでMojaviって1人で作ってるんでしょうか?エラー直してくれってsetiという人を名指ししてるし、Mojavi Founderの肩書きも他に見当たらないです。しかし言い方が気に入らなかったのか、
The check against error_reporting() is used to decide when to log an error depending on whether or not it was supressed.
Without the check, or with improper checking an error that occurs from @function() would be reported, when you don’t want it to be. That’s why the checking exists. Otherwise it proceeds as normal.
- Smartyで未定義の変数があるとFATALエラー
- ロギングのとこでWARRNINGとERRORが逆
- (上記のせいで)WARRNINGがでるとFATALエラーでスクリプトが終わる
- ユーザーがerror_reporting設定しても無視される
SVNの2.0.1 DEV見ても変わってないので特に取り入れられて無い様子です。
ref: Mojavi + Smarty Undefined index地獄